Recep Ivedik 3 (2010)

Recep Ivedik 3 (2010)
Recep Ivedik 3 (2010) Online HD is a 2010 Turkish comedy film, directed by Togan Gökbakar, which stars Şahan Gökbakar as an oafish character who is attempting to combat depression following the death of his grandmother. The film, which went on nationwide general release across Turkey on February 12, 2010, is the highest grossing Turkish film of 2010. The film’s titular comic character was created by Şahan Gökbakar for his Turkish comedy television show Dikkat Şahan Çıkabilir, which ran from 2005 to 2006, and has subsequently gone on to feature in a series of sequel films starting with Recep İvedik (2008), to which this is the second sequel.

Calitate Film : DVDRip